

A Julia package for reading and writing Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) files, based on the cfitsio library.

The interface is inspired by Erin Sheldon's fitsio Python package.


FITSIO is available for Julia 0.6 and later versions, and can be installed with Julia's built-in package manager. In a Julia session run the command

julia> Pkg.update()
julia> Pkg.add("FITSIO")

On Linux or OS X, if it isn't already installed on your system, the cfitsio library is automatically downloaded and compiled (in your Julia packages directory). On Windows, a compiled dll will be downloaded.


To open an existing file for reading:

julia> using FITSIO

julia> f = FITS("file.fits")
File: file.fits
Mode: "w" (read-write)
HDUs: Num  Name  Type   
      1          Image  
      2          Table  

(At the REPL, information about the file contents is shown.)

A FITS file consists of one or more header-data units (HDUs), concatenated one after the other. The FITS object therefore is represented as a collection of these HDUs.

Get information about the first HDU:

julia> f[1]
File: file.fits
HDU: 1
Type: Image
Datatype: Float64
Datasize: (800, 800)

Iterate over HDUs in the file:

julia> for hdu in f; println(typeof(hdu)); end

Each HDU can contain image data, or table data (either binary or ASCII-formatted). For image extensions, get the size of the image without reading it:

julia> ndims(f[1])

julia> size(f[1])

julia> size(f[1], 2)

Read an image from disk:

julia> data = read(f[1]);  # read an image from disk

julia> data = read(f[1], :, 790:end);  # read just a subset of image

Show info about a binary table:

julia> f[2]
File: file.fits
HDU: 2
Type: Table
Rows: 20
Columns: Name  Size  Type    TFORM  
         col2        String  5A     
         col1        Int64   1K     

Read a column from the table:

 julia> data = read(f[2], "col1")

Read the entire header into memory and get values from it:

julia> header = read_header(f[1]);  # read the entire header from disk

julia> length(header)  # total number of records in header

julia> haskey(header, "NAXIS1")  # check if a key exists

julia> header["NAXIS1"]  # get value by keyword

julia> header[4]  # get value by position

julia> get_comment(header, "NAXIS")  # get comment for a given keyword
"length of data axis 1"

Read just a single header record without reading the entire header:

julia> read_key(f[1], 4)  # by position
("NAXIS1",800,"length of data axis 1")

julia> read_key(f[1], "NAXIS1")  # read by keyword
(800,"length of data axis 1")

Manipulate a header in memory:

julia> header["NEWKEY"] = 10  # change or add a keyword

julia> set_comment!(header, "NEWKEY", "this is a comment")

Close the file:

julia> close(f)

(FITS objects are also closed automatically when garbage collected.)

Open a new file for writing:

julia> f = FITS("newfile.fits", "w");

The second argument can be "r" (read-only; default), "r+" (read-write) or "w" (write). In "write" mode, any existing file of the same name is overwritten.

Write an image to the file:

julia> data = reshape([1:100], 5, 20);

julia> write(f, data)  # Write a new image extension with the data

To write some header keywords in the new extension, pass a FITSHeader instance as a keyword: write(f, data; header=header)

Write a table to the file:

julia> data = Dict("col1"=>[1., 2., 3.], "col2"=>[1, 2, 3]);

julia> write(f, data)  # write a new binary table to a new extension