
This tutorial will walk you through the features and functionality of AstroTime.jl. Everything in this package revolves around the Epoch data type. Epochs are a high-precision, time-scale aware version of the DateTime type from Julia's standard library. This means that while DateTime timestamps are always assumed to be based on Universal Time (UT), Epochs can be created in several pre-defined time scales or custom user-defined time scales.

Creating Epochs

You construct Epoch instances similar to DateTime instance, for example by using date and time components. The main difference is that you need to supply the time scale to be used. Out of the box, the following time scales are defined:

using AstroTime

ep = Epoch{CoordinatedUniversalTime}(2018, 2, 6, 20, 45, 0.0)

# The following shorthand syntax also works
ep = UTCEpoch(2018, 2, 6, 20, 45, 0.0)

# Or in another time scale
ep = TAIEpoch(2018, 2, 6, 20, 45, 0.0)

You can also parse an Epoch from a string. AstroTime.jl uses the DateFormat type and specification language from the Dates module from Julia's standard library. For example:

ep = UTCEpoch("2018-02-06T20:45:00.000", "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sss")

# The format string above `yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sss` is also the default format.
# Thus, this also works...
ep = UTCEpoch("2018-02-06T20:45:00.000")

import Dates

# You can also reuse the format string
df = Dates.dateformat"dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM"

utc = UTCEpoch("06.02.2018 20:45", df)
tai = TAIEpoch("06.02.2018 20:45", df)

There are two additional character codes supported.

  • t: This character code is parsed as the time scale.
  • D: This character code is parsed as the day number within a year.
# The time scale can be omitted from the constructor because it is already
# defined in the input string
julia> Epoch("2018-02-06T20:45:00.000 UTC", "yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS.sss ttt")
2018-02-06T20:45:00.000 UTC

# February 6 is the 37th day of the year
julia> UTCEpoch("2018-037T20:45:00.000", "yyyy-DDDTHH:MM:SS.sss")
2018-02-06T20:45:00.000 UTC

When printing Epochs, you can format the output in the same way.

julia> ep = UTCEpoch(2018, 2, 6, 20, 45, 0.0)
2018-02-06T20:45:00.000 UTC
julia> AstroTime.format(ep, "dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM ttt")
06.02.2018 20:45 UTC

Working with Epochs and Periods

You can shift an Epoch in time by adding or subtracting a Period to it.

AstroTime.jl provides a convenient way to construct periods by multiplying a value with a time unit.

julia> 23 * seconds
23 seconds

julia> 1hours # You can use Julia's factor juxtaposition syntax and omit the `*`
1 hour

The following time units are available:

  • seconds
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • years
  • centuries

To shift an Epoch forward in time add a Period to it.

julia> ep = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> ep + 1days
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 UTC

Or subtract it to shift the Epoch backwards.

julia> ep = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> ep - 1days
1999-12-31T00:00:00.000 UTC

If you subtract two epochs you will receive the time between them as a Period.

julia> ep1 = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> ep2 = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 2)
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> ep2 - ep1
86400.0 seconds

You can also construct a Period with a different time unit from another Period.

julia> dt = 86400.0seconds
86400.0 seconds

julia> days(dt)
1.0 days

To access the raw value of a period, i.e. without a unit, use the value function.

julia> dt = 86400.0seconds
86400.0 seconds

julia> value(days(dt))

Converting Between Time Scales

You convert an Epoch to another time scale by constructing a new Epoch with the target time scale from it.

julia> utc = UTCEpoch(2018, 2, 6, 20, 45, 0.0)
2018-02-06T20:45:00.000 UTC

julia> tai = TAIEpoch(utc) # Convert to TAI
2018-02-06T20:45:37.000 TAI

High-Precision Conversions and Custom Offsets

Some time scale transformations depend on measured quantities which cannot be accurately predicted (e.g. UTC to UT1) or there are different algortihms which offer variable levels of accuracy. For the former, AstroTime.jl can download the required data automatically from the internet. You need to run AstroTime.update() periodically (weekly) to keep this data up-to-date. For the latter, AstroTime.jl will use the alogrithm which provides the best trade-off between accuracy and performance for most applications.

If you cannot use the internet or want to use a different data source, e.g. a time ephemeris, to obtain the offset between time scales, you can use the following constructor for epochs which overrides the default algorithms.

# AstroTime.jl provides a higher precision TDB<->TT transformation that is dependent on
# the position of the observer on Earth

tt = TTEpoch(2018, 2, 6, 20, 46, 9.184)
dt = getoffset(tt, TDB, elong, u, v)

# Use the custom offset for the transformation
tdb = TDBEpoch(dt, tt)

Working with Julian Dates

Epochs can be converted to and from Julian Dates. Three different base epochs are supported:

  • The (default) J2000 date which starts at January 1, 2000, at 12h,
  • the standard Julian date which starts at January 1, 4712BC, at 12h,
  • and the Modified Julian date which starts at November 17, 1858, at midnight.

You can get Julian date in days from an Epoch like this:

julia> ep = TTEpoch(2000,1,2)
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> j2000(ep)
0.5 days

julia> julian(ep)
2.4515455e6 days

julia> modified_julian(ep)
51545.0 days

To construct an Epoch from a Julian date do this:

julia> TTEpoch(0.5days) # J2000 is the default
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> TTEpoch(0.5days, origin=:j2000)
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> TTEpoch(2.4515455e6days, origin=:julian)
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> TTEpoch(51545.0days, origin=:modified_julian)
2000-01-02T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> TTEpoch(86400.0seconds, origin=:j2000)
2000-01-02T12:00:00.000 TT

Some libraries (such as ERFA) expect a two-part Julian date as input. You can use julian_twopart(ep) in this case. If you need more control over the output, have a look at the julian_period function.


You should not convert an Epoch to a Julian date to do arithmetic because this will result in a loss of accuracy.

Converting to Standard Library Types

Epoch instances satisfy the AbstractDateTime interface specified in the Dates module of Julia's standard library. Thus, you should be able to pass them to other libraries which expect a standard DateTime. Please open an issue on the issue tracker if you encounter any problems with this.

It is nevertheless possible to convert an Epoch to a DateTime if it should become necessary. Please note that the time scale information will be lost in the process.

julia> ep = TTEpoch(2000,1,1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 TT

julia> import Dates; Dates.DateTime(ep)

Defining Custom Time Scales

AstroTime.jl enables you to create your own first-class time scales via the @timescale macro. The macro will define the necessary structs and register the new time scale.

Let's start with a simple example and assume that you want to define GMT as an alias for UTC. You need to provide the name of the time scale and optionally a "parent" time scale to which it is linked.

@timescale GMT UTC

At this point, you can already use the new time scale to create epochs.

julia> GMT

julia> typeof(GMT)

julia> gmt = GMTEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 GMT

Conversion to other Epoch types will not yet work for the newly created time because you need to provide the necessary methods for getoffset. If you are unsure which methods are needed, you can try to transform the epoch and the resulting error message will provide a hint.

julia> UTCEpoch(gmt)
ERROR: No conversion 'GMT->UTC' available. If one of these is a custom time scale,
you may need to define `AstroTime.Epochs.getoffset(::GMTScale, ::CoordinatedUniversalTime,
second, fraction, args...)`.

To enable transformations between GMT and UTC in both directions you need to define the following methods. Since GMT is the same offset as UTC, these can just return zero.

AstroTime.Epochs.getoffset(::GMTType, ::CoordinatedUniversalTime, second, fraction) = 0.0
AstroTime.Epochs.getoffset(::CoordinatedUniversalTime, ::GMTType, second, fraction) = 0.0

You can now use GMTEpoch like any other epoch type, e.g.

julia> ep = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> GMTEpoch(ep)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 GMT

For a more complex example, let's reimplement the Geocentric Coordinate Time (TCG) scale. It is a linear transformation from Terrestrial Time (TT), i.e. the transformation is dependent on the point in time in the current time scale (the second and fraction arguments to getoffset).

@timescale CustomTCG TT

# The reference point
const JD77_SEC = -7.25803167816e8
# The linear rate of change
const LG_RATE = 6.969290134e-10

function getoffset(::CustomTCGScale, ::TerrestrialTime, second, fraction)
    # `second` is the number of full seconds since 2000-01-01
    # `fraction` is the fraction of the current second
    dt = second - JD77_SEC + fraction
    return -LG_RATE * dt

function getoffset(::TerrestrialTime, ::CustomTCGScale, second, fraction)
    # The inverse rate for the backwards transformation
    rate = LG_RATE / (1.0 - LG_RATE)
    dt = second - JD77_SEC + fraction
    return rate * dt

Let's assume that you want to define a time scale that determines the Spacecraft Event Time which takes the one-way light time into account.

You could use the following definitions adding the distance parameter which is the distance of the spacecraft from Earth.

const speed_of_light = 299792458.0 # m/s

@timescale SCET UTC

function AstroTime.Epochs.getoffset(::SCETType, ::CoordinatedUniversalTime,
                                    second, fraction, distance)
    return distance / speed_of_light
function AstroTime.Epochs.getoffset(::CoordinatedUniversalTime, ::SCETType,
                                    second, fraction, distance)
    return -distance / speed_of_light

If you want to convert another epoch to SCET, you now need to pass this additional parameter. For example, for a spacecraft that is one astronomical unit away from Earth:

julia> astronomical_unit = 149597870700.0 # m

julia> ep = UTCEpoch(2000, 1, 1)
2000-01-01T00:00:00.000 UTC

julia> SCETEpoch(ep, astronomical_unit)
2000-01-01T00:08:19.005 SCET

At this time, custom epochs with additional parameters cannot be parsed from strings.

You can also introduce time scales that are disjoint from AstroTime.jl's default graph of time scales by defining a time scale without a parent.

julia> @timescale Disjoint

julia> typeof(Disjoint) = DisjointScale

By defining additional time scales connected to this scale and the appropriate getoffset methods, you can create your own graph of time scales that is completely independent of the defaults provided by the library.

  • 1Transformations to and from UT1 depend on the measured quantity ΔUT1 which is published in IERS tables on a weekly basis. AstroTime.jl can automatically fetch these tables by running AstroTime.update(). If you work with UT1, you need to run this function periodically.