

SPICE.jl is a Julia wrapper for the SPICE toolkit which is provided by NASA's Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF). It provides functionality to read SPICE data files and compute derived observation geometry such as altitude, latitude/longitude and lighting angles. Please refer to its comprehensive documentation if you are not yet familiar with SPICE.

Note: This project is not affiliated with NASA, NAIF or JPL in any way.


julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("SPICE")


# Download SPICE kernels from https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/

using SPICE

# Load leap seconds kernel

# Convert the calendar date to ephemeris seconds past J2000
et = utc2et("2018-02-06T20:45:00")

# Load a planetary ephemeris kernel

# Get the position of Mars at `et` w.r.t. Earth
spkpos("mars_barycenter", et, "J2000", "none", "earth")

Notable differences to CSPICE

SPICE.jl follows the Julia language's style and conventions which introduces the following differences to CSPICE.

Next Steps

Please refer to the API reference.